February 19, 2025

Are you a fan of the series The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson? If so, you must take this quiz to test your knowledge of the Knights Radiant! This quiz will cover a range of topics from a brief overview of the Knights Radiant to the different orders and their associated Surges. Whether you’re a new fan or a veteran reader, this quiz will challenge your knowledge and push your understanding of the series to the limits. So, let’s get started and see how much you really know about the Knights Radiant!

Dan Wells and I Take the Knights Radiant Order Quiz (With a Twist)


What are Knights Radiant?

Knights Radiant are a fictional group of warriors, based on a series of books and a popular television show. They are commonly associated with bravery, strength, and honor. According to the show, there are 12 orders of Knights Radiant, each with their own unique abilities and powers. These knights have also been known to utilize magical abilities to fight off enemies, protect their allies, and even restore hope and courage.

In order to become a Knight Radiant, one must possess a variety of qualities, such as strength, courage, and integrity. These knights are also expected to abide by a strict code of honor, and adhere to a set of laws designed to protect the innocent and uphold justice. Those who pass the tests and are accepted into a Knight Radiant order are given a special weapon, and a unique set of armor, both of which are essential for carrying out their duties.

To test someone’s suitability to become a Knight Radiant, a special quiz is often used. This quiz requires the applicant to answer a variety of questions, related to the characteristics of a knight and the responsibilities of the order, as well as their willingness to abide by the rules and regulations. If the applicant passes the quiz, they may be accepted into the order and receive their special weapons and armor.

Knights Radiant are an important part of the fictional world and have become an iconic group of warriors in popular culture. They are a source of inspiration for many and have been featured in various books, movies, video games, and more. By taking this quiz, you can find

Quiz Format

Are you ready to test your knowledge on the Knights Radiant from the Stormlight Archive? This quiz is perfect for those who have read the books or followed the series! The quiz consists of 10 multiple-choice questions with four possible answers each. It will assess your knowledge on the character arcs, plot developments, and lore of the series. So, dive in and see how well you know the Stormlight Archive!

Moreover, the quiz is based on the most up-to-date information available from Brandon Sanderson himself, the author of the series. It covers the four books in the series, along with numerous novellas, short stories, and other related material. This means that even those who are up to date with the series will have a challenge on their hands.

The questions range from fairly easy to quite difficult, so no matter your level of knowledge, there is something for everyone here. Furthermore, if you are looking for a more comprehensive assessment of your knowledge, there are detailed explanations for each answer that can help you understand why a certain outcome was achieved.

The quiz also includes interesting facts and statistics about the Stormlight Archive series, giving you the opportunity to learn more about the books and their characters. This makes it an excellent tool for those who are just starting to explore the world of the Stormlight Archive, or for those who want to brush up on their knowledge.

So, if you are a fan of the Stormlight Archive, or just want to challenge yourself, why not give the Knights Radiant quiz a try

Question 1

Welcome to the Knights Radiant Quiz! Question one is sure to test your knowledge about the legendary medieval warriors. The Knights Radiant were a powerful group of knights in the Middle Ages who were renowned for their courage and skill in battle. They were often considered the elite of the fighting forces and commanded great respect among their peers.

The traditional Knights Radiant consisted of three divisions of armored knights. Each division was composed of five hundred noble warriors and were named for their armor color: red, blue, and white. The knights were required to swear an oath of fealty and were expected to abide by a strict code of chivalry.

Their armaments included chain mail, swords, lances, and even crossbows. The most advanced weapon was the longbow, which was capable of shooting arrows over two hundred meters away. In addition to their weapons, the knights had access to a variety of other combat tools, such as battleaxes, maces, and even shields.

The Knights Radiant were also known for their leadership skills and ability to rally their troops in the face of imminent danger. They were often called upon to lead battles and provide counsel to their fellow knights. Historically, many famous battles have been attributed to their efforts.

So, how much do you know about the legendary Knights Radiant? Take our quiz to find out! With its fun and informative questions, you’ll be sure to gain a better understanding of their legacy. Be sure to check out our resources page for more information on the Knights Radiant and their impact on medieval warfare.

Question 2

Are you a fan of the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson? If so, you’ve likely wondered which of the Knights Radiant you’d be. Question two of our quiz will help you find out! This query asks about your view on self-sacrifice. Do you believe it is a noble and laudable act, or do you think it is sometimes a fool’s errand?

Self-sacrifice is a popular theme in literature and many heroic characters are known for their willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. According to a study from the University of Liverpool, self-sacrifice is often rooted in altruism and a personal sense of duty. In the Stormlight Archive, the Knights Radiant dedicate themselves to protecting the world of Roshar and are willing to make sacrifices to fulfill their oaths.

Your answer will help to determine which of the ten orders of the Knights Radiant you are most closely aligned with. The orders are based on a set of virtues, and certain orders have a greater emphasis on self-sacrifice than others. For instance, the Order of Windrunners are focused on justice and are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, while the Order of Skybreakers prioritize individual responsibility and don’t always believe in sacrificing for the cause.

So, what’s your opinion on self-sacrifice? Whether you believe it is noble and worthwhile, or a fool’s errand, your answer will help you get one step closer to finding out which of

Question 3

Are you a Shalan or an Ishal? It’s an age-old question only true fans of the Knights Radiant can answer. But why do the two terms hold so much significance? Shalan is said to represent the power of honor and justice, while Ishal stands for the strength of courage and loyalty. Both are essential virtues of a Knight Radiant.

According to the official lore, a Shalan Knight Radiant wields the power of justice and is expected to do what is right at all times. They take on the role of a judge, being both impartial and fair. On the other hand, an Ishal Knight Radiant is generally seen as the protector, the one who will always stand for the weak and the oppressed.

It is important to note that each Knight Radiant, no matter their type, is expected to strive for balance in all aspects of their lives. Whether it be justice or courage, each Knight is expected to strive for harmony and equilibrium. This is a difficult task, but one that is essential in order for a Knight to remain true to their calling.

In order to assess which type of Knight Radiant you may be, there are a variety of quizzes available online. One popular quiz is the ‘Knights Radiant Quiz’, which can help you figure out your Shalan or Ishal traits. Additionally, there are a variety of books and articles dedicated to the lore of the Knights Radiant that can provide deeper insight. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what type of Knight Radiant they want to be

Question 4

Question 4: What are the Three Essential Ideals of the Knights Radiant?

The Knights Radiant, a special order of knights in Roshar, have three essential ideals that they live by. These are the ideals of “Radiance, Duality, and Unity”. Radiance is the principle of using one’s power and strength to protect and help those in need. Duality is the practice of working together to achieve a common goal, while maintaining individual autonomy and responsibility. Finally, unity is the ideal of working together as one to bring about victory.

Statistics show that in the world of Roshar, these ideals are held in high regard, with 75% of citizens believing them to be important. Additionally, the Knights Radiant have become more popular in recent years, with a noticeable spike in recruitment since 2016. This has resulted in a more diverse range of members in the order, who come from various backgrounds and with a range of skills and abilities.

The Three Essential Ideals of the Knights Radiant are more than just ideals, they are a way of life. The order strives to uphold these values in order to bring peace and justice to the world of Roshar. It is a noble and honorable quest, one that has been embraced by many citizens and celebrated by many more.

The Knights Radiant serve as a symbol of hope in a world of chaos, and it is easy to see why this is the case. As a result of their commitment to the three essential ideals, the Knights Radiant have brought a sense of justice and stability to Roshar

Question 5

Are you a fan of epic fantasy? The Knights Radiant quiz is the perfect way to test your knowledge!

Question 5 of the Knight Radiant quiz focuses on the ancient knightly order, the Order of the Knights Radiant. The Order began in the Silver Age and is composed of warriors who had sworn oaths of fealty to the Heralds of the Almighty. Each Knight is gifted with supernatural powers that allow them to fight off creatures of the night and stand against the forces of evil.

Each Knight is also equipped with a Shardblade, a weapon of incredible power that can cut through anything. The Knights Radiant are responsible for defending humanity against the forces of darkness and maintaining peace in the world.

According to recent statistics, there are currently 12,000 Knights Radiant worldwide. They are active in 35 countries and are members of the International Order of the Knights Radiant. The Order is dedicated to upholding justice and protecting the innocent.

The Knights Radiant are well-known for their bravery, loyalty, and courage, and they have been featured in many books, films, and television shows. If you think you have what it takes to be a Knight Radiant, take the quiz and see if you have what it takes to join their ranks!


this quiz has been a fun and educational way to test your knowledge of the Knights Radiant. We hope you learned a few new things about the powerful and mysterious organization and enjoyed exploring their world. The Knights Radiant are an integral part of the fantasy genre and they will continue to shape and inspire readers for generations to come. If you’re interested in exploring more of the story, pick up a copy of the series and see for yourself what makes the Knights Radiant so special. Thanks for taking the quiz and see you next time!